Shoreline Breakers

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Can I pay by credit card?

Yes, we accept cash, check, debit card, credit cards and Venmo. If you’d like to pay by Venmo, please click here.

Where do I mail my check and who do I make it out to?

Checks should be made payable to Shoreline Breakers and can be mailed to 115 Green Hill Road, Killingworth, CT 06419. Paying on-line by check through QuickBooks is free, easy, and convenient but if you are uncomfortable doing so, checks can be mailed. Checks can also be left in the red cash box at our facility in Old Lyme. 

What are the bat rules?

For teams playing in East Shore, you can click here to access the bat rules. For tournaments or other events, please go to the tournament website or ask your coach. If I can find the info, I’ll post it or post links on our website. DO NOT BRING AN ILLEGAL BAT TO GAMES. All East Shore Travel League rules are posted on their site. Click here for League Rules. 

When does the East Shore spring season start?

It typically starts on or around the first weekend in April for 9u-13u. It will depend on weather and field playability. 14u and older starts after the high school season. (There is a non-high school division if applicable) We have a link to the ESTL website on our home page. I recommend navigating through it. There is a lot of information there. 

Can I pay my bill in full?

You can pay in full at any time. If you’d like to pay in full with one, simple payment, email me and I’ll adjust your invoices accordingly. 

How are boys' age groups determined?

League age for AAU travel baseball is based on May 1st of the upcoming spring season. The same is true in the fall. For example, if a player turns 12 on April 25, 2020, he can play 12u in the spring of 2020 and 13u in the fall of 2019. You can play up, but as a general rule, you cannot play down.  

How are girls' age groups determined?

League age for travel softball is based on the entire birth year of the upcoming season. Girls seasons run January to December. For example, if you are trying out in the fall of 2019 for the 2020 season, you would determine the appropriate divsion as follows:

14u = Birth Year 2005/2006

12u = Birth Year 2007/2008

As with the boys, you can play up, but you cannot play down.

How are costs determined and where does the funraising and donation money go?

Costs are based on the expected individual player and teams costs for the upcoming season and the funds needed to lease our facility. Game balls, uniforms, umpires, insurance, team entry fees, rent and utilities are all part of the costs. Fundraising and donations cover all of our other expense that are not built into the registration fees helping to offset the costs for our members. This includes administrative fees such as postage, paper, ink, checks, website expenses, etc., plus other expenses related to the facility, training equipment, etc.

If I made a team and want to play again the following season, do I have to tryout again?

All players, new and returning, are required to attend tryouts each season unless you are ntoified otherwise for some reason. Our goal is to keep kids in the program, but also keep them working for their spots. 

Do I need metal spikes?

No metal spikes for 9u-12u. No metal spikes for pitchers on East Shore Fields 2 & 3 due to portable mounds. No metal spikes for any players at the Connecticut Sportsplex and Penders Field in Stratford due to astro turf. (plastic cleats, sneakers, turf shoes only)

Yes, Metal spikes for 13u and up with the exception of certain locations as stated. 

Are tournaments included?

Tournaments are included for softball and we have started to include tournaments for spring baseball teams. If we do not inlcude a tournament in the cost and a team decides to participate in a tournament, the cost is divided among the players on the team. There are many factors that lead to the decision of whether or not a team will enter a tournament. This may also be decided after the team has been formed.

When should I approach a coach about a concern I may have?

For parents, it is important to separate their child’s sports development from game time emotions. For this reason, we adopted the “24 HOUR RULE” which simply states, that coaches will not discuss a game, or situation in a game, until at least 24 hours after the fact. There have been too many circumstances of parents approaching coaches during games, between games, and immediately after games. In the majority of instances, parents end up apologizing for their actions. That’s not to say that coaches don’t make mistakes. We are all trying to do our best, let’s just give things time before they are addressed. Acceptance of this rule is mandatory in order to participate with our program. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. 

Can my child play for another AAU team?

No, not while they are affiliated with The Shoreline Breakers.This is not allowed by East Shore Travel League. AAU Insurance will not cover any medical expense for a player who is injured while playing for another program.If you would like to play for another AAU program, you must obtain a release from us, your balance must be paid in full, and you will not be permitted to play for the Shoreline Breakers while affiliated with another AAU program. Our current players are affiliated with The Shoreline Breakers until 8/31/2022.

Why am I being charged a late fee?

A 1% late fee will be added to your account on any invoices 30 days past due. Many of  our costs are paid up front while we spread out payments to make it easier on the families in our program. If you are having a hardship, please contact us immediately.